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Since 1956, generations of Long Island families have discovered a unique, beautifully landscaped and wooded oasis located in the heart of their suburban community. They find that the size is just right, large enough to offer a tremendous range of activities-small enough for their children to feel comfortable in a warm and friendly environment. They love the huge, sprawling ball fields and quaint, rustic craft shops carved out of the woods. They like the three heated pools basking in the sunshine, and the shaded paths and coves where cool breezes provide comfort from the summer heat. They appreciate the stability of a solid organization with caring people who lovingly nurture their children and are responsive to the needs of the family: They are confident that their children are getting the best at Merrick Woods, where every day is a wondrous adventure in the country.
merrickwoods.com1075 Merrick Ave, Merrick, New York, 11566
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