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BE SAFE, HAVE FUN” has always been our motto. Since 2007, we have offered summer camps that cater to today’s popular lake sports- paddleboarding and wake surfing. Flash back to 1980 it was all about water skiing and flying at dangerous speeds across the water. Today, parents can be thankful that surf sports are now the popular trend on local lakes where the tempo has slowed way down from 30 mph to 10 mph. The result- an easy paced sport that is 100 times less dangerous and equally as fun. Because 72% of the earth is covered in water it is very important for students to become comfortable in, on and around the water. By the end of the week our goal is for campers to leave feeling 10 times more confident on the water. Activities include: boating basics, tubing, paddle sports, wakesurfing, jump park and indoor surfing/ flowboarding.
dfwsurf.com20400 Hackberry Creek Park Rd, Frisco, Texas, 75036
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