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The Colorado Chautauqua is considered THE western representation of the “chautauqua movement” that swept the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is the only chautauqua west of the Mississippi that has continuously operated with its original structures intact, largely used for their original purposes. Located at the base of the Flatirons, the Colorado Chautauqua is one of only 26 National Historic Landmarks in the state of Colorado and one of the few remaining chautauquas in the United States. Now in its second century, the Colorado Chautauqua attracts over one million visitors each year while remaining committed to its historic purpose. We offer outstanding musical, arts and educational programs, charming accommodations in our historic cottages and lodges, indoor and outdoor meeting space, wedding and celebration venues, coffee, ice cream and shopping at our very own General Store, fine dining at the historic Dining Hall, and direct access to 40 miles of trails and thousands of acres of open space.
chautauqua.com900 Baseline Road, Boulder, Colorado, 80302
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